Build 11-18-2019

Over the course of more than a month since the last public update to A:\dventure a lot has changed with the game.  From dialogue and stablity updates to brand new features and user experiences.  Features have been pruned while others have flourished.

As always, you can keep up with development and discussion on our official Discord channel if you wish to read more and interact with us in-between content updates.

Here's a summary of all that's changed since the previous patch

  • New Story content continuing off from after onboarding
  • New Loadout UI for organizing party members and equipment before a mission
  • Reorganized every UI's accessible from the computer (not all menus are functional)
  • Saving and Loading your progress is now possible and accessible through the Kanban board
  • Some new sprites and enemies
  • More music!
  • Dialogue consistency and text adjustments
  • Minor equipment and monster rebalancing
  • As usually more behind the scenes refactoring and stability improvements

The biggest change to take note of is the new Loadout Experience.  Instead of managing equipment and quest details all through different menus across the guild, they've been consolidated into a streamlined UI.  Now before you depart on a mission you may select the character you'll bring along, as well as the equipment you'll use.  In the future selecting equipment will have a cost that you must balance in a story relevant way.  The approach was inspired by Metal Gear Solid 5's mission dispatching and works pretty nicely to streamline things.

I got pretty side-tracked the past month and a half, jumping into working on a lot of features and spreading my focus thin.  In the future, updates will be smaller and more focused so the project doesn't appear to go dark.  Not as much got completed, and too much was touched and left in an unstable state.  Future updates will fix things up bit by bit, as well as slowly roll out new content.


A:\dventure Early Access 26 MB
Version 8 Nov 18, 2019

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